Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Second and Third Day of School

Jack's second day of school didn't go so well. He said that he was afraid to go back because of the mean kids who pushed him. On the third day, when I picked him up and asked if he had a better day, he said, "Yes.. Wes and I were the police officers and caught the bad kids and took them to jail." I'm not exactly sure what that means, but he seemed to have worked it out. :)

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School

Today was Jack's first day of school. He had no hesitation whatsoever. In fact, Ryan was hanging around and Jack gave him another kiss and said, "ok daddy goodbye." This year he wears a uniform. On dress days, he is supposed to wear a tie. Jack can't wait to wear a tie so that he can look like Daddy. There were two mini-orientation days last Thursday and Friday and Jack went to visit his new classroom for an hour each day. On Friday, the teacher said Jack was "hilarious" and "very strong." I didn't get a chance to ask what made her say that but I wonder if they were related. :) Jack grew over 2 inches this summer. He wears a size 11 1/2 shoe and a size 6 clothing. He even grew a quarter of an inch in 9 days. I now recognize that when he is very aggressive that a growth spurt usually follows. There was one day where I said, "Jack, don't chase the dogs with the chainsaw," "When Cocoa growls, that means STOP!" "If you run your truck into the wall again, I will throw it away." :)

Witty Jack

Jack doesn't intend on being witty, but he says things that are insightful that come across very funny. When Ryan was wrestling with Jack, Ryan said that he was a monster and going to eat him up. Jack said, "you are going to need a bigger plate." And then the other day, we were driving down the alley and a neighbor down the street had his garage door up. This guy's garage is worthy of being on Oprah as being a pat rack. He even has curtains hanging from the ceiling. Jack asked why his garage was so messy, so I told him that sometimes people have a hard time throwing something away that it piles up and up, and it gets to be so overwhelming they don't know where to start. Then Jack said, "at 1." hahahaha

Lake O The Pines

We rented a lakehouse at Lake O' The Pines and took Dutch and Cocoa with us. It was a great place to stay, and it ended up being the brother and sister-in-law of the presidential candidate Ron Paul. They were wonderful people, and we had a fascinating conversation.

Summer of Swim Lessons

Jack went from not wanting to get "his eyebrows wet" to swimming freestyle, backstroke and breast stroke. He even tries to do his own version of the butterfly while on his back. He says he wants to be an Olympic swimmer just like Michael Phelps. :) And last night while we were watching the Olympics (the reason I've been lax on doing the blog) he said that he wanted to play volleyball and have Mommy and Daddy watch him on TV and yell, "Go, Jack Go." We told him that if he were in the Olympics that we would be in the stands.